New Book: The Menopause Brain

Dr. Lisa Mosconi and her new book, “The Menopause Brain.”

I was delighted today to receive an email announcing the launch of a new book by Lisa Mosconi, PhD, called “The Menopause Brain.”

It was a Ted Talk on YouTube by Dr. Mosconi that first alerted me to the impact of menopause on the brain, as well as the long-term impacts of hormonal changes. Upon watching that video, I went out and bought her book, “The XX Brain,” which was utterly fascinating and led me down the road of researching links between menopause and mental health. If it weren’t for Dr. Mosconi, I wouldn’t be where I am today, blogging about and researching this topic. She is an outstanding writer, researcher, scientist, and communicator, and has gift for explaining complex concepts in a way that is accessible and easily understood.

I’m putting “The Menopause Brain” on my to-do list, and for anyone looking for a good read on the subject, I can recommend Dr. Mosconi!


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